ENDORSEMENT: The Lima News 8/27/16

Endorsement Ohio Supreme Court: DeWine plays by the Constitution

LIMA- Ohio residents should be confident that the state Supreme Court justice they elect will apply the law as it’s written and not legislate from the bench.

That’s become an issue in the race between Republican Pat DeWine and Democrat Cynthia Rice. The two are facing off in the Nov. 8 general election to replace Republican Justice Paul E. Pfeifer, who will step down after reaching the mandatory judicial retirement age of 70.

We believe DeWine is the better choice as a constitutional conservative and have concerns about Rice dancing around the issue.

Rice told The Lima News that she recognizes the court’s role in government — “We don’t legislate; we don’t write laws.” But that statement conflicts with other remarks she’s made. During a luncheon earlier this year with Hardin County Democrats, Rice professed, “I don’t think you can ignore any constitutional guidance we have. Is it subject to interpretation at times? At times, yes. It’s a living breathing document that’s been with us for over 200 years.”


Read the full article here.

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